So You’re Interested In Working With Me, What Next?

You’re overwhelmed with your business administration and have decided that you’d like to work with a Virtual Assistant (smart move!). Here’s a breakdown of how things will work from the moment you reach out…

When you first contact me

It all begins when you first get in touch with me. Maybe you’re feeling overwhelmed with the admin required to keep your business running or maybe you have a creative project you need a hand with. Whatever it is, let’s get an initial consultation call/zoom meeting booked in so that I can quickly get to the bottom of what you really need help with.


If you’ve decided you’d like to work with me on a retainer or hourly basis (I recommend a retainer if you want to guarantee my time on a regular basis), I will send you a contract to sign including a Statement of Work detailing what has been agreed (costs and services) and a Data Processing Agreement.

Once the initial paperwork has been completed I will set up and provide you with a link to a project management tool (ClickUp/Asana/ Trello) so that you can check in on my progress and we can stay on top of tasks. If you already have your own preferred platform of choice or board you’d like to share with me then that’s great.

I also ask that you sign up to LastPass, a password sharing platform which enables you to share your login details with me completely securely (I won’t be able to see them but will still have access to any necessary platforms/systems).

Going forward

With everything set up we’re good to go and I can now support you with the agreed tasks and services. I will check in with you regularly to establish that you’re satisfied with the service you’re receiving and see if there are any other areas I can help with.

And there you go, it really is as simple as that.

As your Virtual Assistant I am here to make your life easier so whilst there may be a ‘settling in period’ for the first month or two while we find our feet and get in to a rhythm of working together, after that things should be seamless and productive, leaving you to focus your energy on the areas of your business that really need you.


The Benefits of Hiring a Virtual Assistant