Marketing & Creative Support

What Can I Help With?

In addition to managing your business admin I can free up even more of your time by supporting your business with marketing, content creation and social media management.

When you hire me as your Virtual Assistant, here are some of the creative business tasks you can outsource to me:

Website Creation & Updates

In order to stay friends with Google it’s super important to regularly update your website with fresh, optimised content. I can update and maintain Squarespace, Wix and Wordpress sites. If you don’t have a website yet I can write content, select graphics and help you build one from scratch.


With a serious eye for detail, proof-reading is my bag. I will cast my eye over your copy to ensure it is professional and error free, making any necessary edits in the process.

Social Media

Struggling to find the time to stay on top of your social media channels? I can create eye-catching graphics, engaging captions, research and select hashtags, engage with your followers and schedule posts.

Blogging & Copywriting

Blogs are essential for your online presence and publishing them regularly will keep your website content fresh and critically, boost your SEO. Great blog posts will provide your site visitors with valuable information as well as entertainment. If you know you should be blogging but just don’t know where to start, let me help.

Canva Graphics Creation

I can create eye-catching graphics and graphic templates for use on your website, social media channels or print marketing assets.

Email Marketing

Know what you want to say to your customers but need someone to put it all together? I can assist with email marketing campaigns by setting up templates, proof-reading copy, creating landing pages and sending out your newsletters in Mailerlite, MailChimp or Flodesk.

Looking for a service that hasn’t been mentioned?

If you have a specific support requirement that’s not listed here, please do get in touch with me to see if it’s something I can help with. Usually I can and, if not, I may be able to connect you with another recommended freelancer or VA who specialises in that area.