An Introduction…

It’s the start of a new year and whilst it’s certainly not one I am making any hard and fast resolutions for, I thought it was high time I practiced what I preach and added a blog to my website. 

If you’re new around here then hi…I’m Kirsty, an interiors and Pilates lover and mum to one (crazy) little person. 

I live with my family in a small village just outside of Rochester in Kent (emigrating to Australia is a pipe dream of ours but for now rural England will have to do). 

Virtual assistant in Medway, Kent

So, why did I become a Virtual Assistant?

I graduated from the University of Reading in 2010 after a year-long stint working for Elle magazine in Paris (yes, still pinching myself) and from there worked in various Marketing and Communications roles in London. After several years commuting I decided to wave goodbye to life in the city to work alongside my parents, assisting with the day-to-day running of their small businesses here in Kent. 

With a family of my own and dreams of being my own boss niggling away at me, I quickly realised that whilst I loved working on the companies my parents had spent their lives building, I wanted to start my own business - something that was completely mine and I could nurture from the ground up. 

The skillset I had acquired working (often remotely) whilst running several small businesses along with the creative marketing skills I developed in all of my previous roles seemed to fit the role of a Virtual Assistant perfectly and Kirsty Orton VA was born. I love the flexibility being a Virtual Assistant offers me and the fact that being my own boss comes with the ability to choose my own hours. 

I love my business and am really passionate about saving busy, time-poor entrepreneurs chase their dreams (whilst achieving my own in the process). I still get a buzz every single time I have a discovery call or sign a new client and the satisfaction of helping all of the inspiring people I work with run their businesses more efficiently and effectively is absolutely what drives me. 

Anyway, that’s more than enough about me for now…!

It’s nice to see you here and if you’d like to find out more about me or the various ways in which I could support your business (more on that soon), I’d love to chat so please do drop me an email ( so we can schedule in a call. 


The Benefits of Hiring a Virtual Assistant